Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Making slaveboys squat to poop may be good for their health. :-)

There have been a few times when Mistress has had me go potty outside, in the backyard, squatting naked in the grass.

The interesting thing is that I always felt perfectly comfortable and at peace, doing my business like that.

So, I was using Firefox's StumbleUpon plugin, and I ran into this: Squat, Don't Sit!

Amusing. What do you all think?

Best regards,


gone said...

Well I'll be damned..

saratoga said...

very interesting. not totally surprising, either.

MissBonnie said...

it makes sense
Collar N cuffs

VeezKnight said...

Shortly after Elvis died while sitting on the toilet "staining at stool", I saw a doctor interviewed on a talk show who talked about this very thing. Never saw, heard or read anything more about it. Too bad because it certainly makes sense.